fs Laser

150nm Bandwidth


Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=22.5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (22.5°, 725-875nm) > 99.9% , |GDD-Rs,p(22.5°, 725-875nm)|<75 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (45°, 740-860nm) > 99.9% , |GDD-Rs,p(45°, 740-860nm)|<75 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : p-Pol. HRp (45°, 725-875nm) > 99.8% , |GDD-Rp(45°, 725-875nm)|<-40(±30) fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rp Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ High Power , Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs (45°, 730-870nm) > 99.8% , HRp (45°, 760-840nm) > 99.5% , |GDD-Rs,p(45°, 760-840nm)|<80 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum  GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Laser Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm) > 99.9% , |GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 725-875nm)|<50 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Laser Mirror [ High Power, Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 750-850nm) > 99.5% , |GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 750-850nm)|<60 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Laser Mirror [ Coating on Ag +Multilayer, Angle of Incidence=0-45°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-45°, 725-875nm) > 98% , |GDD-Rs,p(45°, 725-875nm)|<40 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum  GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Pump Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol ]
S1: ARs,p (0-10°, 500-545nm)<0.2%
S2: HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm)>99.9%, Rs,p(0-10°, 500-545nm)<2%, |GDD-Rs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm)|<40 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2] GDD-R Spectrum [S2]

Chirped Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm) > 99.9% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 725-875nm)=-40 (±10)fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Chirped Mirror Pair [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm) > 99.8% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 725-875nm)=-40 (±20)fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Chirped Mirror Pair [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm) > 99.9% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 725-875nm)=-80 (±40)fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Chirped Mirror Pair [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 725-875nm) > 99.8% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 725-875nm)=-110 (±50)fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum


Separator [Angle of Incidence= 0°, Polarisation : u-Pol ]
S1: ARs,p (0°, 360-440nm) <0.5%
S2:HR (0°, 750-850nm)>99.9%, R (0°, 360-440nm)<5%, |GDD-R (0°, 750-850nm)|<40 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2]

Separator [Angle of Incidence= 45°, Polarisation : u-Pol ]
S1: ARu (45°, 350-450nm) <0.7%
S2:HRu (45°, (760-850nm)±5nm)>99.9%, Ru (45°, (360-440nm)±5nm)<2%, |GDD-Ru (45°, 760-850nm)|<40 fs2, |GDD-Tu (45°, 360-440nm)|<40 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2]


Beamsplitter [Angle of Incidence= 45°, Polarisation : s-Pol ]
S1: ARs (45°, 725-875nm) <0.5%
S2: PRs (45°, 725-875nm)=50(±2)%, |GDD-Rs (725-875nm)|<5 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2] GDD-Rs/GDD-Ts Spectrum [S2]

Beamsplitter [Angle of Incidence= 45°, Polarisation : p-Pol ]
S1: ARp (45°, 725-875nm) <0.2%
S2: PRp (45°, 725-875nm)=50(±2)%, |GDD-Rp (45°, 725-875nm)|<20 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2] GDD-Rp/GDD-Tp Spectrum [S2]


Window [ Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. ARs,p (0-15°, 725-875nm) <0.2% ]

Transmission Spectrum

300nm Bandwidth​


Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=22.5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (22.5°, 670-970nm) > 99.8% , |GDD-Rs,p(22.5°, 670-970nm)|=-200…+200 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (45°, 670-970nm) > 99.7% , GDD-Rs,p(45°, 670-970nm)<1500 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : p-Pol. HRp (45°, 670-970nm) > 99.8% , |GDD-Rp(45°, 670-970nm)|=-200…0 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rp Spectrum

Turning Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : s-Pol. HRs (45°, 670-970nm) > 99.9% , GDD-Rs(45°, 670-970nm)=-200…+200 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs Spectrum

Laser Mirror [ Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 670-970nm) > 99.9% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 670-970nm)=-50 (±75) fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum

Laser Mirror [ Coating on Ag +Multilayer, Angle of Incidence=0-45°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-45°, 670-970nm) > 97% , |GDD-Rs,p(0-45°, 670-970nm)|<50 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs,p Spectrum

Pump Mirror Pair [ Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol ]
S1: ARs,p (0-10°, 500-545nm)<0.2%
S2: HRs,p (0-10°, 670-970nm)>99.8%, Rs,p(0-10°, 510-535nm)<10%, GDD-Rs,p (0-10°, 680-960nm)=-50(±150) fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2]  GDD-R Spectrum [S2]

Chirped Mirror Pair [ Angle of Incidence=5°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. HRs,p (0-10°, 670-970nm) > 99.8% , GDD-Rs,p(0-10°, 680-960nm)=-50 (±150)fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-R Spectrum



Beamsplitter [Angle of Incidence= 45°, Polarisation : p-Pol ]
S1: ARp (45°, 670-970nm) <0.2%
S2: PRp (45°, 670-970nm)=50(±5)%, |GDD-Rp (45°, 670-970nm)|<10 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2] GDD-Rp Spectrum [S2]

Beamsplitter [Angle of Incidence= 45°, Polarisation : s-Pol ]
S1: ARs (45°, 670-970nm) <0.7%
S2: PRs (45°, 670-970nm)=50(±5)%, |GDD-Rs (45°, 670-970nm)|<5 fs2

Reflection Spectrum [S2] GDD-Rs Spectrum [S2]



Polarizer [Angle of Incidence= 75°, Polarisation : u-Pol, TFP(75°, 670-970nm) Rs>80%, Rp<1%, |GDD-Rs(75°, 670-970nm)|<20 fs2, |GDD-Tp(75°, 680-960nm)|<5 fs2]

Reflection Spectrum GDD-Rs/GDD-Tp Spectrum


Window [ Angle of Incidence=0°, Polarisation : s,p-Pol. ARs,p (0-15°, 670-970nm) <0.25% ]

Transmission Spectrum

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