
Cavity Mirrors
Output Couplers
Windows and Lenses
Turning Mirrors
Technical Data of XeCl Laser Components
Cavity Mirrors

Figure 1: Reflectance spectrum of a 308 nm cavity mirror
  • Oxide coatings for high mechanical stability.
  • Coatings can be produced by IAD, magnetron sputtering or IBS.

Output Couplers

Figure 2: Reflectance spectrum of an output coupler for 308 nm R (0°, 308 nm) = 50 % ± 3 %
  • PR coatings with tolerances of
    • ± 2 % for R = 10 % … 30 %
    • ± 3 % for R = 30 % … 75 %
    • ± 2 % for R = 75 % … 90 % and
    • ± 1 % for R > 90 %.

Windows and Lenses

Figure 3: Reflectance spectra of an AR coating for 308 nm and AOI=0°–30°
  • High quality mirror substrates, windows and lenses of fused silica.

Turning Mirrors

Figure 4: Reflectance spectra of a turning mirror for 308 nm produced by IBS. Reflectance measurement in s- and p-polarization by CRDS

Turning Mirror [  Angle of Incidence=45°, Polarisation : u,s,p-Pol. HRu ( 45°, 308nm) > 99.5%, HRs ( 45°, 308nm) > 99.9%, HRp ( 45°, 308nm) > 99.5% ]

Reflection Spectrum 


Figure 5: Measured transmittance spectra of a variable attenuator for 308 nm a) Transmittance vs. wavelength at different AOI
Figure 6: Measured transmittance spectra of a variable attenuator for 308 nm b) Transmittance at 308 nm vs. AOI for unpolarized light The transmittance varies from T < 10 % at AOI = 0° to T >90% at AOI=40°
Figure 7: Transmittance spectrum of a sputtered attenuator for 308 nm with exactly adjusted and thermally stable trans- mittance of T = 0.2 % at AOI = 45° (unpolarized light)

Technical Data of XeCl Laser Components

Coating Materials Reflectance Lifetime test
HR (0°, 308 nm) fluorides R > 98 % 2 x 108 pulses ***

***  Energy density: 55 mJ / cm2, repetition rate: 100 Hz, pulse duration: 15 ns; tested at COHERENT AG, München


Angle of Incidence=0°, Coating on Fused Silica 248nm excimer grade AR(0°, 308nm)<0.25%.

Transmission Spectrum

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